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The Power :zap: and Responsibility :sweat: of Unicode Adoption :sparkles:

Tuesday 3:10pm, Ballroom A

About This Talk

Communication is difficult. Whether between humans, machines, or a combination of the two, trying to translate meaningful information is a lossy process.

Converting programming languages to use the new Unicode standard is hard, but once it’s in place, you get this marvelous feature-add: emoji compatibility. No longer do we have to make faces with symbols or use platform-specific emoticons. Rejoice in the extended character set.

Emoji have a rich history as a way to allow the communication of ideas in a reduced amount of data. They date back to a time where this was important: SMS communications in Japan. However, as social networks feverishly try to clamber onto this bandwagon, their implementations of the standard create issues with miscommunication that aren’t possible with a 12×12 pictograph.

We’ll discuss the history of emoji, cross-platform adoption, the Unicode standard, and emoji accessibility in web applications. :sparkles:

Photo of

Katie McLaughlin

Katie has worn many different hats over the years, including a software developer in many languages, a systems administrator for multiple operating systems, and a speaker on many different topics. She’s currently a Core Developer on the BeeWare project; conference organiser for DjangoCon AU 2017, and assists with many other conferences around Australia. When she’s not changing the world, she enjoys cooking, making tapestries, and seeing just how well various application stacks handle emoji.