There is no "I" in DjangoCon US. Thank you to all our volunteers who make DjangoCon US happen. We couldn't do it without your hard work!

Adrienne Lowe
Coordinator, Session Chairs and Runners
Alexis Fitzpatrick
Anna Ossowski
Diversity Chair
Brent Schneider
Craig Bruce
DEFNA Treasurer
Heather "Heats" Luna
Sponsors Chair and Awesomeness at Everything
Irene Nandutu
Jeff Triplett
Delegator and DEFNA President
Jessica "Deatz" Deaton
Program Committee
Katherine "Kati" Michel
Website Chair
Kenneth Love
Program Committee
Kojo Idrissa

Lacey Williams Henschel
Conference Chair
Monique Murphy
DjangoCon Helper
Nicholle James
Sprints Co-Chair
Philip James
Organizer, Visa Coordinator
Rebecca Kindschi
Communication Chair
Sara Gore
Financial Aid Chair
Stacey Haysler
DEFNA Corporate Secretary