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Announcing Our Tutorials!

After sifting through an amazing collection of submissions, we are proud to announce the following tutorials for DjangoCon US 2017. Thank you to everyone who submitted and to all of the reviewers. The tutorials offer a little something for everyone this year:

From 0 to 100 in Django

Presented by Asterisk Spencer | Sunday, August 13, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM | Level: Beginner

Since starting with Django and trying to give back to the community I always see the same questions pop-up. How do I set up static files? How do I run Django on a server? I want to do testing but I don’t know how to start. Why should I use git? This talk aims to help answer those questions.

How to React the Right Way (Django + React)

Presented by Jack McCloy and Geoffrey Sechter | Sunday, August 13, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM | Level: Intermediate

This tutorial will teach you when, why, and (most importantly) how to use React in your Django projects. You’ll walk away with a solid understanding of React, a working knowledge of several other tools in the React ecosystem, and a tutorial project that you can use/reference in the future.

Catching Tweets with Django + Django REST Framework

Presented by Katia Lira | Sunday, August 13, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM | Level: Beginner

Users on Twitter generate lots of data that could be used for a million different purposes. Django and DRF are amazing tools that handle large amounts of content. That’s a match made in heaven. Imagine what a developer could accomplish by combining these technologies. The sky is the limit.

Have you ever followed a hashtag and had a crazy idea of what you could do with those tweets but didn’t know how to do it? This workshop will show you how to set up everything you need to store this data using Django, Django REST Framework, and the Twitter API.

Build a GraphQL API Using Django

Presented by Muranga James | Sunday, August 13, 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM | Level: Intermediate

In this tutorial, I talk about GraphQL, what it is and why you should consider it as a way of building APIs for your application. This will then be followed by a hands-on walkthrough of how you can build a GraphQL API in Django using Graphene.

Build and Launch a Website on Wagtail, in Three Hours!

Presented by Tom Dyson | Sunday, August 13, 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM | Level: Beginner

We’ll start from scratch and end with a customised, content-managed website, live on the web.

Don’t Touch That Dial! An Introduction to Channels

Presented by Ken Whitesell | Sunday, August 13, 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM | Level: Intermediate

This tutorial provides a guided introduction to Channels, the code needed to be written to use it, and the infrastructure considerations involved in making Channels work for you. By the end of the tutorial you will have participated in creating a fully-interactive web site.

Buy your tutorial tickets today! Each session is $150 and runs about 3 hours. You can buy tickets for tutorials in the same place that you buy admission to the conference itself.

We’ll see you there!