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5 Reasons to Submit a Tutorial Proposal to DjangoCon US

Our Call for Proposals (CFP) deadline is quickly approaching! You have until 11:59 PM on April 10 Anywhere on Earth to submit a talk or tutorial proposal. Tutorials don’t have to be specifically about Django, and since the conference isn’t until August, the content doesn’t need to be 100% fleshed out when you submit.

We’d like you to consider submitting a tutorial proposal for the following reasons:

  1. Due to the amount of preparation required, tutorials are compensated!
  2. You can co-teach with a friend or colleague (the fee will be split between the instructors)
  3. Teaching something to others will increase your own understanding of the subject
  4. You’ll be contributing to the Django community
  5. It will look very fancy on your resume :star: :scroll:

If you have any more questions about speaking at DjangoCon US, please check out our Speaker Resources page.