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DjangoCon US 2017: It’s a Wrap!

Another DjangoCon US is in the books! Thank you to our attendees, speakers, tutorial presenters, sponsors, volunteers, organizers, A/V staff, hotel staff, and photographer Adam Gregory for an amazing conference. We couldn’t do this without such a wonderful community. :green_heart: :evergreen_tree:

2017 by the Numbers

  • 10th DjangoCon US
  • 218 talk submissions (updated 2018-06-04)
  • 46 talk presenters
  • 27 tutorial submissions
  • 6 tutorial presentations
  • 3 keynote speakers
  • $18,735 in financial aid allocated
  • 25 financial aid recipients
  • 335 attendees
  • 586 tweets from @djangocon since DjangoCon US 2016
  • 650+ #djangocon tweets since August 8

For the first time, we sent our attendees a demographic survey! Our goals with this survey were simple: (a) get a better idea of who is already attending DjangoCon US, and (b) use that information to recruit new organizers, speakers, and attendees in future years.

Our survey response rate has been low – less than 30% – so we will be thinking of how to encourage participation in this survey in future years. (Pssst… If you haven’t filled it out yet and would like to, check your email for the message we sent on August 21!)

Because our response rate was so low, we’re not going to release percentages so we can protect the anonymity of those who responded. But we thank everyone who participated! We hope that in future years we can encourage more attendees to take the survey so we can release some information.

For now, we’re keeping track of the percentages internally and will discuss how best to let those numbers help us next year.

2017 Slides, Videos, and Photos

We’re adding links to slide decks to our talk pages as we receive them. Speakers, please tweet yours to us, email us a link, or submit a PR to add them yourself (update slides_url)!

The A/V team is working on the videos, and they will start going up on our YouTube page September 8. Our photographer is editing the photos (there were over 3,500 to go through!), and they should be ready September 8 as well. We’ll let you know on Twitter when we have links!

2018 and Beyond!

DEFNA is currently deciding where DjangoCon US 2018 will be held. The options are San Diego, CA; Greenville, SC; and Spokane, WA. If you know of any potential local sponsors in any of these cities, please let us know! They can be instrumental in ensuring an affordable conference for all.

Again, thank you so much for participating in DjangoCon US 2017. See you next year!