Announcing Our Talk Lineup!
The Django community and beyond submitted a record number of incredible talk proposals, and selecting these talks was extremely difficult. We were only able to accept 16% of the submissions we received, and appreciate the effort everyone put into their submissions; thank you! Another huge thank-you to our reviewers, without whom this list would still be weeks in the making.
We’ll also announce the tutorial schedule in just a few days, and the conference schedule will be available very soon. Congratulations to the speakers of the 41 talks below!
- Saved You a Click (Or Three): Supercharging the Django Admin with Actions and Views (Liam Andrew)
- Django vs Flask (David “DB” Baumgold)
- End-to-End Django on Kubernetes (Josh Berkus)
- Going Rogue: How Created a Curriculum Development Platform without their Engineers (Josh Caldwell)
- Overcoming the Challenges of Mentoring (Kim Crayton)
- Stumbling Through Django and How Not to (Melanie Crutchfield)
- Maybe Not the Programmers They Deserved, but the Programmers They Needed (Jessica Deaton and Megan Will)
- GraphQL in the Wild (Arianne Dee)
- Accessibility Matters: Creating a Better Web (Lindsey Dragun)
- Taking Django Distributed (Andrew Godwin)
- The Monster on the Project (Tiberius Hefflin)
- Python & Spreadsheets: 2017 Edition (Kojo Idrissa)
- Type UWSGI; Press Enter; What Happens? (Philip James)
- Serverless Django (Rich Jones)
- Live long and refactor
(Sana Javed)
- Preventing Headaches with Linters and Automated Checks (Flávio Junior)
- Autopsy of a Slow Train Wreck: the Life and Death of a Django Startup (Russell Keith-Magee)
- The Beauty of ViewSets in Django Rest Framework (Buddy Lindsey, Jr.)
- Getting the most out of Django’s User Model (Julia M Looney)
- Alexa… (Heather Luna aka Heats)
- Write an API for Almost Anything (Or The Amazing Power and Flexibility of Django Rest Framework) (Charlotte Mays)
- The Power
and Responsibility
of Unicode Adoption
(Katie McLaughlin)
- Practical Unit Testing in Django (Wayne Merry)
- Using Django, Docker, and Scikit-Learn to Bootstrap Your Machine Learning Project (Lorena Mesa)
- Get a Jumpstart on Collaboration and Code Review in GitHub (Katherine “Kati” Michel)
- Why Can’t Everyone Just Do What I Want Them To? Leadership, Management, and Working with People Who Don’t Think like You (Briana Morgan)
- Flourishing FLOSS: Making Your Project Successful (Anna Ossowski)
- Functional Programming in an Imperative World. Maybe (Derik Pell)
- Understanding JavaScript Libraries via React and the React Ecosystem (Andrew Pinkham)
- Becoming a Polyglot: Lessons from Natural Language Learning (Rebekah E. Post)
- The Shy Person’s Guide to Tech Conferences (Ed Rivas)
- The CoC Committee Is Here for You (Sasha Romijn)
- hunter2: A Symphony of Password Horror (Lilly Ryan)
- Files in Django (Josh Schneier)
- Programming Post-Progeny: A New Parent’s Perspective (Jacinda Shelly)
- Don’t Use My Grid System (Or Any Others) (Miriam Suzanne)
- Butter Smooth, Interactive Applications with Django and Websockets (Ganesh Swami)
- The 10 Commandments of Community Organizing (Jennifer Wadella)
- Exhausted Octopus Learns a Thing!! (Laura R. Webb)
- The Denormalized Query Engine Design Pattern (Simon Willison)
- Tasks: You Gotta Know How to Run ‘Em, You Gotta Know How to Safe ’Em (Filipe Ximenes)